Code of Conduct


Kepler Communications Inc. is dedicated to conducting its operations with the highest standards of ethics, and under no circumstance will we sacrifice our values and ethics for business. Our commitment ensures responsible practices within our community and supply chain in respect to basic human rights, anti – corruption, and labor standards.
Kepler’s Code of Conduct is a guide on how we do business, outlining the obligations of our employees, customers, suppliers, and others with whom we inte ract to display honest, fair, and upright behavior core to our values and standards with respect to all conduct.


Kepler’s code of conduct applies to all members within and of the Kepler community. As a result, all employees, officers and direct ors must comply with the code and standards outlined. In addition, all individuals and companies who engage with Kepler must also comply with our code and conduct themselves with high ethical standards of business.

Our Values

There are five key values that shape the way we at Kepler conduct ourselves every day and the way we do business. These values are core to who we are, and we aim to instill these values in the individuals and companies that we work with.
  • Drive – Have passion and determination for your everyday work. Solve hard problems to achieve Kepler’s mission of building Internet in Space
  • Agility – Adapt for the opportunities tomorrow brings. Focus on rapid cycles of learning to manifest new ideas and make little pets towards achieving Kepler’s mis sion
  • Empathy – Create a foundation of support and trust. Place your personal bias aside to prioritize understanding the diverse perspectives of those you interact with.
  • Impact – Take initiative to move the needle, breaking industry paradigms by priorit izing excellent results over process

Our Operating Principles

Kepler has three key operating principles that translate our values into operation and set our standard of business conduct. We conduct our business with these standards, no matter where or who we operate with.

  • Honesty – We only speak the truth and prioritize transparency in all our communication. We foster aworkplace that is open, responsible and accountable. We expect compliance with the rules, policies, andpractices we have put in place, from our own and those we interact with.
  • Integrity – We are accountable to the companies and people that we interact with.
  • Fairness – We believe in good citizenship. Our standards go beyond laws and regulations, we arededicated to advancing our social responsibility and ethics. We ensure that we are open in ourcommunication, consider our people and intervene when we witness violations of our principles andcode.

Standards of Business Conduct

Vendors shall conduct their business activities in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations when conducting business with/on behalf of Kepler.

This includes, but is not limited to, human trafficking and modern slavery, export laws and regulations,business rules/regulations and applicable labor laws.

All individuals must prioritize ethical behavior above profit and company success.

Promptly report any unethical, illegal, improper conduct to appropriate members of the Kepler team.

Conduct yourselves with utmost respect, honesty and integrity when engaging with all members ofKepler or involved parties. Disrespect, harassment and inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated

All individuals who engage with Kepler must protect the confidentiality, security and privacy of information that is provided.

Respect and honor the terms of agreement. Refrain from engaging in activity that creates a conflict of interest for either party.

Prioritize achieving the Kepler mission, identifying and pursuing opportunities to achieve greater experiences and growth.

You may contact Kepler Communications by email at